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A member registered Mar 29, 2021

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(1 edit)

There are not much people in this forum. How popular is this edition? It should be popular.

After I realized that my two examples work well, I just didn't continue as I had other projects to do in other languages. However, from about a month ago I picked some projects to do in python and that put me back to see how agk py is doing. Yesterday, I compare agk py simple sprite rotation to pyglet rotation and realized that agk py does better. The pyglet version had hiccups! I have tried other 2d libraries in python and I found agk py to be the best so far.

I hope one day The Game Creator accepts that python must be its default scripting language. If I were them, I would make a new AGK, naming it AppGameKit Modern, which uses python for scripting exclusively. 

This can be high performance 2d for Python in general. A GUI library with table may even bring this to science applications.

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Thanks, I am working on two small demos to see how it works, one 2d and one 3d. So far, everything great.

I began using AGK Python yesterday, very nice! What I like about it is that unlike C++ and Java version, I don't have to use agk object. 

Now, my question, I couldn't find wrapper function for printc, I see only print_value, it seems something like print_value_c is missing.